
2020/12/30 14:23:54 来源: 海天考研



  The bar chart shows how residents in a certain city take exercises. Specifically speaking, 54.3% of them prefer to work out alone, ranking first in the four ways listed. Taking exercises with friends, family members, and in a group account for 47.7%, 23.9% and 15.8% respectively.

  Several reasons can account for the above phenomenon. To better concentrate on taking exercises, most people choose to work out alone. They may believe that chatting with friends while working out in a gym may negatively influence the effect of their exercise training. But other people choose to work out with their friends and family members, as they may think working out alone is boring and hard to stick to. A small proportion of people opt for group training, as they may want to play basketball or soccer, which requires cooperation between team members.

  As far as I am concerned, it is OK for different people to choose different ways of exercising as each person has his own likes and preferences. It is not the way of exercise that counts, but the fact that people do exercise. I think it is vital for relevant communities and companies to launch various programs to further promote the importance of taking exercises and motivate more people to exercise regularly.

  柱状图展示了某城市居民的不同健身方式。具体来说,54.3%的居民倾向于独自健身,在列出的健身方式中排名第一。与朋友、家人健身,及团体健身分别占47.7%, 23.9% 和15.8%。





